A theatrical event featuring live music, film and art work, followed by DJ’s, dancing and merriment.
The Wonderful World Of… is a full on 3D entry into the world of mental breakdown, specifically bipolar. Drawn from first hand experience it will fuse live drama, film, music both live and recorded, design and art installation into an all embracing assault on the senses that will take us all on a journey, bizarre, funny, poignant, confusing, painful and loud… a journey to where only a very select few would normally go.
A journey into the wonderful world of two very ordinary people who have very extraordinary moments.
Irrational, beautiful, bizarre, illogical, painful, as completely irreverent as it can be. Together, we will experience manic highs, bizarre and unique bursts of energy and creativity, we will all be God for a bit, then a bit bloody irritable, and then something worse…. much much worse….
There are two very different characters, a man and a woman. A journey into their worlds, strange, dark, beautiful, very very beautiful, harrowing, extraordinary. He’s bipolar. She’s the total opposite. It may be a love affair, it may not, they may not have met one another at all.
We will discover the answers to absolutely everything. We will be none the wiser.
The band will play, loud, there will be disc jockeys playing records afterwards, music dancing and merriment until the small hours.